Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
What is the Rhine?
In 1930, academic research into the field of parapsychology began at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and in 1935 the Duke Parapsychology Labs were established.
Joseph B. Rhine led this department and provided a professional study of parapsychology in a university environment. In 1937 the first Journal of Parapsychology was published to provide for a peer reviewed academic forum to record the work being done in the field, and this journal is still in publication today.
In 1965, J.B. Rhine retired from Duke University and formed the independent research center named the Foundation for the Research into the Nature of Man (FRNM) in order to continue to explore his interest in ESP and consciousness studies.
In 1995, the center was renamed the Rhine Research Center, and it continues to follow the original mission in its attempt to produce original research and explore the nature of human consciousness. The Rhine Education Center provides professional ONLINE courses and certificates in scientific parapsychology, and public events at the Rhine explore psychic abilities, experiences, techniques, and the culture of ESP throughout the world.
In addition, the Rhine provides significant resources on the history of parapsychology, archival footage, a large research library, and a complete set of the Journal of Parapsychology from 1937 to present.
Finally, the Rhine attempts to foster a community for people who have psychic experiences or are interested in the phenomena. The Psychic Experiences Group (PEG) meets every month at the Rhine and in independent chapters throughout the country. PEG provides a safe and supportive environment for people to talk about their experiences and listen to the experiences of others.
The Rhine Research Center explores the frontiers of consciousness and exceptional human experiences in the context of unusual and unexplained phenomena. The Rhine’s mission is to advance the science of parapsychology, to provide education and resources for the public, and to foster a community for individuals with personal and professional interest in PSI.

The Rhine Today

Duke Parapsychology Lab

Foundation for Research
on the Nature of Man