Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
What is Parapsychology?
Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws of nature. Parapsychology is a component of the broader study of consciousness and the mind. Parapsychologists study 5 broad areas:
Telepathy – mind to mind communication through a means other than the normal senses
Clairvoyance or Remote Viewing – knowledge of objects, people, or events that are hidden via space or time. For example, an object hidden in a box in a different room, a photograph sealed in an envelope, an event that is occurring to a loved one who is thousands of miles away, or the characteristics of a room that only existed in the past.
Precognition – knowledge of an event that has not yet occurred, or information that appears to be transferred from the future into the present.
PK or Psychokinesis – Mind interacting with matter at a distance. Mind interactions with living systems (including energetic healing) are sometimes included in this category.
Survival Studies – The nature of human consciousness and an examination of whether consciousness survives the physical form. This includes near-death experiences (NDE), mediumship research, reincarnation, out of body experiences (OBE), apparitions and hauntings.
For more information on each of these specific phenomena or areas of study:
Explore parapsychology here or review the information on research in parapsychology.