Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality

Exploratory Study Of A Modified Ganzfeld Protocol (ESP)
Using a sample of volunteers, we will evaluate the effectiveness of our modifications. If our findings indicate better than chance results, we will have found a feasible alternative to the traditional Ganzfeld protocol. If the magnitude of the effect is larger than what has been found in previous Ganzfeld studies, this suggests that our modifications are an improvement. If successful, our Modified Ganzfeld protocol can increase the opportunity for widespread replication efforts given its increased flexibility and less-resource intensive approach.
Associative Remote Viewing: An Evaluation of the role of the judge and the selection of the target
Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) is used to provide a practical application of remote viewing (RV) in situations where RV may not normally be effective. During an ARV project, targets are selected to represent a state or condition that may not easily be viewed. In this case, the targets were selected to determine whether a stock price would go up or down during a week.
A stock was selected for investment before the sessions began, and $20,000 was set aside for investments during the project. Three viewers and one judge were enlisted to help with the project, and all of the participants were experienced with ARV protocols and practices.
On Saturdays during the experimental sessions, the viewers were tasked with describing a photo that they would be shown the following Friday. The viewers submitted their viewing descriptions and/or drawings to the project coordinator by Sunday evening. After the viewing data was received, two targets images were randomly selected to represent two conditions for the stock – the stock price rising or staying the same and the stock price going down during the week.
The viewers’ data and the target images were provided to the judge who made a decision on which image most closely matched the descriptions from the viewers. The judge returned the results of the judging to the project coordinator.
On Monday, the project coordinator told the investor to place an investment indicating that the stock would go up or down during the week based on what the selected target represented. An investment was made on Monday and resolved on Friday of the same week.
On Friday, the stock was evaluated to determine if it had gone up or down during that week. The image representing the actual state of the stock was shown to the viewers on Friday. The viewers never saw the other image that was selected.
Strict blinding was maintained throughout this project. The viewers didn’t know each other, and the viewers and the judge only knew the coordinator. Nobody except the investor was aware of which stock was involved in the process. Only the coordinator and the primary researcher (JGK) knew the people involved in the study.
This study is published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. [Full Article]

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