Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality
Online Event from the Rhine
If you are not familiar with Zoom or the methods to join Rhine meetings, please review this information. You may print it out so that it is available to you during the meeting.
This event is offered to support our international community. We request that attendees provide a donation to support these unique opportunities by clicking the "Support" button below.
We suggest a donation of $4.95 for each event, but for only $10 per month, you can become a Rhine Sustaining Member and attend all events and meetings offered by the Rhine.
Online Rhine Events are broadcast all over the world.
These events are presented as broadcasts of speakers and panels discussing their research, experiences, or knowledge of psi and related topics. When you attend an event, you will see the speakers' video and hear their audio broadcasts.
DO NOT turn on your video or microphone.
For panel discussions, you may want to use Gallery Mode to view the event. For individual speakers, you may want to change the view to see the primary speaker.
When the question and answer session begins, you can send questions via the CHAT interface. Depending on the size of the event, the moderator may choose to allow attendees to open their microphones to ask questions. If this is offered, you can raise your hand (using the Zoom controls) and the moderator will turn on your microphone when it is your turn to speak.
In the unlikely event that the meeting is full, you can watch the recorded meeting when it is posted in the Rhine Video Library.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This event may include an opportunity to interact with the speaker. If you have your microphone and camera available, you may be able to participate in this portion of the event live and join the discussion. Wait for the moderator to call on you or ask you to open your camera and microphone. After the feedback sessions, you will again turn off your camera and microphone.